Elevate your retail game. Made simple. Made real.
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We don't cut corners.
We work with the
Our partners and supported payment methods.
Sell more, sell better.
We believe in synergies and collaboration. That's why we partner with the best. Let's not reinvent, overengineer or overprice. We are constantly on the look-out for more integrations.
Is your business hosted on Shopify? In less than 5 minutes, your next customer could be checking out on their phone.
Businesses hosted on Squarespace will soon be able to integrate Pendoo onto their platform and enable mobile checkout for their customers.
Our Pendoo Slackbot integrates with your team's comms so you get real-time DMs on customer signups, checkouts and transaction details.
You've got questions. We know. That's why we've put this Q&A together.
More questions? Get in touch.